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What People Say

  • I had never had Acupuncture when I decided to try it out after sheer desperation because I was plagued by Vertigo and Tinnitus. What a difference a course of treatments made. No longer did I fear falling over from vertigo attacks and my tinnitus stopped keeping me awake at night. Even more dramatic was how my ankle which was permanently swollen and painful after tearing ligaments around it 8 months previously, responded to a single treatment: two days later, the swelling had reduced dramatically and pain disappeared. Claire
  • I started Acupuncture treatment with Mary after a prolonged period of intense stress that led to anxiety and panic attacks. Her treatment for stress relief was a life saver, as just after a few appointments I started feeling the benefits in my body. It helped me find the lost balance to start my recovery and get back to a normal life. SS
  • After having a hysterectomy 2 years previous my menopause had well and truly set in. I suffered from overpowering hot flushes, mood swings, headaches and my sleep was impacted. Reluctant to go on HRT I decided to try Acupuncture, after just a few treatments my symptoms were greatly improved. I continued having regular Acupuncture and taking herbs for 3 months. Not only had my Menopause symptoms almost vanished but I felt much more energetic and relaxed. Ann
  • After a sudden onset of knee swelling and severe pain, I was diagnosed with osteoarthritis of the knee by X-ray. I had to use a walking stick and felt my knee could give way at any time. Acupuncture treatment reduced the pain and swelling and now I am back walking 3 miles a day without my stick (something I hadn’t thought would be possible). I occasionally get slight stiffness in the knee but keep it under control by having the occasional acupuncture treatment. Margaret
  • For as long as I can remember I had suffered from sinusitis and would regularly end up on antibiotics for a sinus infection. I was convinced to try acupuncture. I noticed an improvement after 2-3 treatments, herbs and some diet advice. After further treatment my sinusitis continued to improve and have been free from an infection for the past year. Dave
  • I had been doing pretty well training for the marathon when I sprained my left ankle. I had an Acupuncture treatment the next day and the pain and swelling reduced dramatically. I continued treatment for the next few weeks and then felt was ready to go back running. A few years previous I had sprained my right ankle. I was amazed how the treatment had helped speed up my recovery time. Brian
  • After about 2 years trying of us trying to conceive naturally , we had attended a Fertility clinic to get accessed, my husband's sperm count and motility was found to be low. The fertility Clinic recommended IVF in 3 months if my husband's parameters hadn't improved. After taking some time to absorb I decided to do some Acupuncture to prepare me for potential IVF, Mary has so much in depth knowledge in the whole Fertility area and very willing to share with us. She recommended that my husband started taking some Supplements and also do a course of Acupuncture to improve his sperm Parameters along with some lifestyle advice. We were so happy that just before the 3 months ended we had a positive Pregnancy test , I continued Acupuncture treatment throughout my Pregnancy and found it so beneficial throughout pregnancy and Preparing me for birth. I went on to have a healthy baby girl with a Natural Birth. I would highly recommend Acupuncture and Mary for anyone trying to conceive. Kate
  • At 35 weeks gestation I found out that my baby had turned and was in a Breech position which meant I may have to have a caesarean section to deliver my baby , this was my first pregnancy and I had really hoped for a Natural birth, one of the midwives Mentioned to get in touch with an Acupuncturist. I came across Mary's details from a friend and booked an Appt with her. She did Moxa Treatment ( heated Mug worth stick) on a Point on both my feet and showed me how to continue this treatment for ten days at home. I had a scan just after the ten days and to my delight the baby had changed position to head down. I decided to do some Pre- Birth Acupuncture with Mary and felt very prepared and relaxed when I went into Labour and went on to have a natural birth. Mary was so helpful and gave me so many tips and recommendations for when my baby was born also like breastfeeding and Baby Massage classes etc. I would highly recommend Mary Marie
  • When I first visited Mary's Acupuncture clinic I was suffering badly from Tennis Elbow and it was really impacting my work life as a tradesman, Mary was very knowledgeable and very helpful with all the information that she gave me. I got instant relief from the first Acupuncture treatment which continued with another few sessions of Acupuncture. At my first visit I happened to mention to Mary that I also suffered from headaches in the back of my head. Mary also worked on this and told me that both problems were connected. I got great relief from Acupuncture and massage treatment. I would highly recommend Mary to other clients, she was so Professional and has great knowledge John
  • After two years of trying to conceive Naturally and a diagnosis of Unexplained Fertility ,my first IVF cycle was unsuccessful. I decided to try Acupuncture to help me prepare for my next round of IVF. I felt so disheartened and stressed about our dream to have a baby at this stage .I decided to try Acupuncture to help prepare me for my next IVF cycle. I started a course of Acupuncture treatment with Mary. Mary was so Professional and offered me so much advice and tips about fertility and preparation for IVF. After a few treatments I felt more grounded and positive about our Fertility journey. My next IVF was successful and I went on to have a healthy baby Boy. For our next attempt at trying to conceive, We decided to follow some of Mary's advice on Ovulation tracking and Supplements to take. We were overjoyed when 4 months later we went on to Conceive naturally and welcomed our second baby boy nine months later. We were so delighted and so grateful for all Mary's help throughout our journey y and cannot thank her enough and Highly recommend Mary and Acupuncture. Carol
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